Hiss-Mekano i Täby AB - GDPR policy Last updated 2022-10-01
1. Who is responsible? 1.1 Hiss-Mekano i Täby AB and subsidiaries and branches are jointly responsible for personal data. This information text describes how we process your personal data and aims to describe how we collect, use and filter information. Hereinafter named, ("Hissmekano", "we", "us", "our"). Through this information text, we want to show you how we ensure that your and other people's data is processed securely and in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation. We reserve the right to update or change the content of this information text from time to time.
2. What is personal data? 2.1 A personal data is all types of information that can directly or indirectly lead to a person now living.
3. Consent, legal basis and the information we process 3.1 On the website we collect IP numbers, meta-data, information about you that is connected to IT systems and analysis programs where profiling takes place through pixels (Meta Pixel, Instagram Pixel, Linkedin Pixel). Data collected through the website is shared with third countries outside the EU/ESS where we ensure that the security is in line with what the law ("GDPR") requires. On our website, we collect when, where, and how you were on our website, where you came from and the information you provided yourself. When you visit our website, we store meta-data, geo-data, data about which device you use, IP number. We also register any user accounts you have in social media. We share your data with, among others, Google in third countries outside the EU/ESS where the security level is in line with what the law requires. The aforementioned goes under Cookies, which you can set yourself. When you visit, your IP number is stored and our legal support is consent, because data is always stored during activity on the internet. On the website you can fill in forms, chat, request feedback and other things. The information that we save, store and process there is information that you yourself choose to share with us, our legal support is then your consent and consent. In social media and on the internet you can also comment, write reviews and participate in competitions, we are responsible for this information that you share yourself. When you are in contact with us in any way, you consent to this treatment that we explain. Our legal support is our legitimate interest and to fulfill agreements with you. 3.2 When you want to buy, sell or use guarantees or exchange through our website or when you are in contact with our staff, we store information about you, that information is stored in internal systems and within the systems we store information such as name (reference), addresses, telephone number and other information that you voluntarily share with us in the business settlement or by agreement. We may share your information with transport companies or other companies that we work with to fulfill our contract with you. We may also collect information about you through public records or through credit reporting agencies. Our legal support for this is our legitimate interest and to fulfill agreements with you. 3.3 We collect, store and process information about our staff. We can do this before, during and after a recruitment or employment. We may also collect, store and process information about people who work for our partners. Information that we may collect is; Photographs, Full names, social security numbers, email addresses, details of bank accounts, telephone numbers, address details. We do this to offer our staff and partners the best possible service. In the case of an approved cooperation agreement or employment agreement, we are also given the right to publish personal information online on, for example, our social media or on the website. Legal basis is our legitimate interest and your consent. We store the information if it is necessary and according to applicable laws or as long as a collaboration or employment is ongoing. Do you have questions about point 3-3.3, or do you want to know how we work with data? Read below under "Your rights" alternatively please contact us at info@hissmekano.se.
4. Information we store about you as a customer or speculator. When you are in contact with us for the purpose of exchanging, buying, repairing, servicing, maintaining or in any way collaborating, we collect information about you mentioned above (point 3-3.3) . In addition to this, we may ask for other information when we create offers or when a representative from Hissmekano contacts you. The information is stored in our internal IT systems, mobile phones and e-mail baskets. The information is not stored longer than necessary and what any laws require in, for example, accounting. We delete the information in our systems and mobile phones on an ongoing basis when it is no longer needed or may be used, and the legal basis is our legitimate interest in providing our services and marketing ourselves to you as well as the fulfillment of agreements. Through this policy, we have also drawn up a detailed list that makes it easy for us to help you when you want to know what information we store and process.
5. Payments & offers. When you as a customer or speculator are in contact with us, we store information about you mentioned above in points 3-4. We also store information about how you paid and by what. The legal basis is to fulfill our agreement with you and the Accounting Act.
6. Events, meetings & fairs. We collect information about you at events, meetings, and fairs. What type of information is reproduced in points 3-4. We do this to be able to market ourselves, services and goods. The legal basis is our legitimate interest and consent when you voluntarily share your information with us.
7. Information for finance companies, insurance companies or other. We cooperate with insurance and finance companies and other companies that can help within an agreement. In the case of business contacts, we store information about you mentioned above in points 3-4. In the case of insurance and financial companies, these are responsible for personal data on their own. We do not collect the information that you yourself provide to these independent companies. For more information about how others work, visit their website or contact the GDPR responsible at the respective company.
8. Information obtained from a source other than yourself. We may obtain information about you through public records, databases or through credit reference agencies. The legal basis for this is to fulfill our agreement with you, our partners, and our legitimate interest.
9. Marketing We may market ourselves to you as a person where we reserve the right to use the information, we have collected about you when you have indirectly or directly approved this policy. Marketing that we carry out can be done through: SMS, e-mail marketing, marketing by post, digital marketing incl. Profiling in social media and through search engines. The legal basis is our legitimate interest and you can at any time wish not to be assigned marketing. In the case of such requests for limited use and general questions about your rights, read below under the heading "Registrant's rights" or contact us at info@hissmekano.se and we will help you.
10. Transfer to third countries outside the EU/EEA We use customary IT systems for maintenance, optimization and conversion. Therefore, we will share your information with third parties outside the EU/EEA. The information that we store is encrypted and anonymized, but according to the law (“GDPR”) we need to inform you that this is happening. The legal basis for this is our legitimate interest.
11. Personal data assistant, IT systems and storage locations. We use personal data assistants. We also store information in our mobile phones, internal and external IT systems, email accounts. At the company, we have drawn up a clear list of where and how the information is stored. So should you or someone you represent have questions about this - read more and contact us under "contact" below. The legal basis for this is our legitimate interest and to fulfill agreements. Within Sweden, we use these companies and suppliers to fulfill our agreement with you as a customer, partner or employee: TeamTailor, LogTrade, Söderberg & Partner, TäbyHälsan, Gibon, Bitio, Kontek.
12. Purification of Information.
13. Personal data incident. In the event of unauthorized sharing of data, we will independently draw up a report within 72 hours of becoming aware of the deficiency and submit it to the Swedish Privacy Protection Authority (IMY). We will also inform you if a shortage occurs.
14. Rights of the registered person & Your rights. As a registered person, you have rights that are important to know. Our goal is to always inform, help and be available when you are concerned about something. Getting help from us always happens without unnecessary delay and getting help in accordance with the GDPR is always free of charge.
**Right of access **Do you want to know what information we store about you and make a register extract? Email us at info@hissmekano.se and we will help you free of charge without unnecessary delay.
Right to correction You can request that your personal data be corrected, changed or supplemented. Email us at info@hissmekano.se and we will help you without unnecessary delay.
**Right to data portability **Do you want to use your data elsewhere? Contact us and we will help you.
** Right to deletion **Do you want to delete your data? Contact us at info@hissmekano.se, we will help you without unnecessary delay. We cannot and must not delete certain data. Please note that this applies to data that we must store to comply with a legal obligation, such as accounting, tax or money laundering legislation. It may also happen that the processing is necessary for us to establish, assert or defend legal claims. Contact us at info@hissmekano.se and we will help you without unnecessary delay.
Complaints are submitted to www.imy.se and if you have any questions or wishes, you can contact us at us by email or telephone. Contact us for questions or other matters related to GDPR. You can always contact us by phone 08-586 272 00 or by email info@hissmekano.se
Cookies policy On our website and in our app we use cookies. On the app, you agree to this when you download it to your device. On our website and e-commerce, you can easily update your cookie-settings in your browser when visiting us.
Formally responsible for personal data is Hissmekano i Täby AB with contact details: Reprovägen 7 S-183 77 TÄBY email: info@hissmekano.se phone: +46-8-586 272 00